A unique feature of ARC-72 tokens is the ability to authorize another wallet to “spend” or transfer the token on your behalf. This allows you to maintain ownership of your token while another individual, usually a Smart Contract, can transfer the token for you when the terms of the contract are met. NFTNavigator allows you to see, change, and revoke approved spenders for your tokens, which can assist you with:
In this quest we will try out the Approval features of NFTNavigator and the ARC-72 tokens standard.
Click My Portfolio in the Menu bar
Locate a token in your wallet and click Set Approval
In the modal dialog, enter an address in which to give Approval and click Next.
Verify the wallet address and click Submit
Using your Connected Wallet, sign the transaction and wait a few seconds for it to complete.
CONGRATULATION! You’ve completed the Token Approval Quest! If you'd like you can now Revoke the approved spender.
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