In this quest, you will sign an authentication transaction using your connected wallet. This transaction does not cost anything, but it generates a token that is stored in your web browser’s Secure Cookie storage, which is utilized by NFTNavigator in place of a traditional login and password using Zero-knowledge proofs. Your wallet becomes your “User” and your password, or wallet mnemonic, is never exposed.

<aside> 💡 Why is this necessary if my wallet is already connected?

Connecting your wallet only exposes your wallet Address to NFTNavigator. This can be spoofed and does not, on its own, prove that you hold the keys to your wallet. The Authentication transaction provides proof that you have possession of the Private Key for your wallet. The signed transaction forms a token that is used by NFTNavigator’s back end system for any actions that require proof that you own your connected wallet.


<aside> 💡 Why is this so cool?

You can authenticate with NFTNavigator, or potentially any other website that supports wallet-based authentication, using your Voi wallet, without exposing your private keys or any sort of password. We (NFTNavigator) can trust that you own the wallet you say you own, without obtaining any private information.


  1. Click the button showing your Wallet address in the top-right corner of the NFTNavigator page to expand the list of connected wallets, then click the auth link next to your wallet address

    Screenshot 2024-04-26 at 5.20.01 PM.png

  2. A signing request will be sent to your connected wallet for signing. Sign this transaction to complete the authentication process

CONGRATULATIONS! You have just signed into the NFTNavigator website using your Voi wallet, without disclosing any passwords, and completed this Quest!

Ready for the next Quest?

Quest 3: Set an approved spender for a token in your wallet